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Exporting Report Data

Exporting Report Data
You can export data from any report. There are four formats: 1) PDF, 2) XML, 3) CSV and 4) tab-separated. Simply click on the Export button at the top of any report page and select the format you want.

Email Reports

Next to the Export button, you will see an Email button. Click it and you will see a screen with two tabs:
  1. Send Now, and
  2. Schedule.
You can schedule reports to be delivered a) daily, b) weekly, c) monthly or d) quarterly. You also have the option to select what format to send them in, such as PDF or CSV. The email scheduling feature provides an easy way to automatically distribute specific report data to the people who need it.

Curriculum Links

Title and BreadCrumbs

You can always see where you are in a report hierarchy by looking at the title and the breadcrumbs at the top of the report.
Look at the example on the slide. From the title, you can see that you are in the Referring Link report and that you are looking at traffic from the link From the breadcrumbs, you can see that you are in the Referring Sites report hierarchy. You can click on any of the breadcrumb links to go back to that report.